Dear Students, Families, and Staff,
We're heading into another week across the district! From high school orientation and open house to student dances, Play-Doh drives, fundraisers, pet food collections, and so much more, there's a lot happening on our school campuses.
Please continue to support your student(s) and encourage them to take part in all the wonderful opportunities available. Every event is a chance to connect, grow, and build lasting memories within our school community.
Let's make it a great week!
Page One: Rim's Edge of Excellence Weekly Kickoff: March 24th-3/28, 2025. Charles Hoffman Elementary, Lake Arrowhead Elementary, Valley of Enchantment Elementary, Mary Putnam Henck Intermediate, Mountain High School, Rim High School, Rim Virtual Academy.
Page Two: Upcoming Dates to Remember: 3/24 to 3/28th, 2025. PLC & Modified Days: March 26th High School Open House: 5 pm to 7 pm. Meet with the Board of Trustees from 4 pm to 5 pm. March 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 2025
School in Session Regular School Days Spring Break: No School March 31st-April 4th. All Schools will Resume on April 7th, 2025. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT:
There will be no modified or Early Dismissal Days for the Remainder of the School Year! Please Note: Students will follow their Regular School Schedule each day for the rest of the school year.
Page Three: We need your help to support the Legacy of Music at RIM High School. For over 65 years, the Rim of the World High School Music Program has been a pillar of our mountain community. But after 23 years of wear and tear, our marching Scots Band uniforms desperately need an upgrade. We need your help to keep this tradition alive! Our goal is to raise $20,000. Every dollar counts as we march toward outfitting our talented musicians in brand-new uniforms.
Page Four: Help the RHS Marching Scots Band get new uniforms. Ways to Support: Join us for a night of food and fun. Spaghetti dinner and silent auction. For more information, contact Checks: we accept checks addressed to: Rim of the World High School with "Band ASB" on the memo line. This can be dropped off at the school or mailed using this address: PO Box 430, Lake Arrowhead, CA 92352. Cash: Cash is always easy; it can be dropped off at the school. Online: we accept online donations through our ASB store. Copy & paste the link into your browser or scan the QR code. Link: Every contribution helps! and is Tax Deductible!
Page Five: CHE: Monday 3/24: Music -grades 1-5. School Hours: Grades TK & K: 8:20 am to 12:15 pm and Grades 1-5 Hours: 8:20 am to 2: 40 pm./ Tuesday 3/25: Spring Picture Day and 5th Grade Panoramic Photo!; Trimester 2 Awards Ceremony: Grades 3rd-5th will be held at 1 pm and grades 1st, 2/3 Combo will be held at 1:45 pm. School Hours: Grades TK & K: 8:20 am to 12:15 pm and Grades 1-5 Hours: 8:20 am to 2: 40 pm After School Strings will be held./ Wednesday 3/26: Art-Grades TK & K. School Hours-all grades TK-5th: 8:20 am to 1:20 pm. / Thursday 3/27: ELPAC Administration for EL Learners. School Hours: Grades TK & K: 8:20 am to 12:15 pm and Grades 1-5 Hours: 8:20 am to 2: 40 pm.;/ Friday 3/28: School Hours: Grades TK & K: 8:20 am to 12:15 pm and Grades 1-5 Hours: 8:20 am to 2: 40 pm.; Fire Drill 8:30 am. PE grades 1-5. Mrs. Lanier's Door Decor Pizza Party @ Lunch. Reminder: No school next week, 3/31 to 4/4.
Page Six: CHE: Exciting Week Ahead-CHE has a great week planned and is full of memorable events. Tuesday 3/25-Spring Picture Day & 5th-grade Panorama Photo-a great opportunity to capture special moments./ Tuesday, 3/25-Afternoon there will be Trimester 2 Awards Ceremonies (by invitation only) will be scheduled for grades 3rd-5th at 1 pm and Grades 1st-2/3 Combo at 1:45 pm. After school, CHE's talented musicians will gather together for strings, and the DELAC meeting is planned for 5:30 pm in the library. Friday, March 28th-Fire Drill at 8:30 am. Mrs. Lanier's class party celebrates their Read Across America Door decor during Lunch! Reminder: No School next week (March 31 April 4th) for Spring Break. Enjoy a restful and joyful time with your families!
Page Seven: LAE: Monday 3/24: Strings Practice. Last week, Play-Doh donations for the Children's Hospital service project. Submit original works fundraiser artwork no later than Frida,y 3/28.; 3/25: TK & K Art, 1st-5th grade Music. Registration is open for TK/K for the 25/26 school year. Please Register Early!. 3/26: PE Day, 1st-5th grade music. Last modified Wednesday. Early dismissal 1:20 pm. ; 3/27: PE Day. Happy Thursday. Leader in Me module/Habit of the week: Habit 6: Synergize.; 3/28: Leader in Me Friday Flag Assembly from 8:30 am to 9:15 am. Last day to turn in 5th grade yearbook dedications Exceptions.
Page Eight: LAE: Let's Play-Doh Collection Drive. As part of LAE's Leader in Me program, the focus is cultivating student leadership and service skills. LAE's students and staff are sponsoring this community service project. The Play-Doh drive is for Loma Linda's Children's Hospital. This drive is in memory of Siena Smith, an LAE student who passed away in 2017. The drive will be held from March 3rd to March 28th. LAE's goal is to donate over 1,000 individual Play-Doh tubs! Note: LAE can ONLY accept store-bought Play-Doh. Drop-off donations will be at LAE's front office from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm, and/or you can send play-doh tubs with your student.
Page Nine: LAE Glow Party! Will be held on Friday, March 28th, 2025, from 5 pm to 7:30 pm. Entry Fee is $2.00 per person. Kids under 2 years old and under are Free. You can RSVP to Jessica at
Page Ten & Eleven: VOE Highlights: I want to thank all the students and families who participated in our Book Blast fundraiser. Many students completed their Book Blast Treasure Maps and enjoyed some fun prizes. We will soon be celebrating with books that will be heading our way. Our top Book Blast Winners are Aspen & Tobias Amos, Alexander Poston, Arielle Brodie, Jett Barajas, and Violet McClurg. Next Week: 3/24-Dog Reading at 2:45 pm; 3/25-Kindergarten Farm Day, 3/26-Snow Valley Ski Trip for 3rd Graders, 3/26-SST Meetings and 5th grade Pano Picture and Minimum Day release at 1:20 pm. 3/26-PTA Association Meeting. 3/27-Kindness Kids Lunch, and 3/31-4/4-Spring Break. Spring Break 3/31 to 4/4: FAMILY TIME: Plan activities that allow for quality family time, such as trips, staycations, or simply spending time together at home. REST & RELAXATION-Spring break is a time for students to rest and recharge, and it's most important to let them de-stress and enjoy their time off. , NEW EXPERIENCES-Consider opportunities for their children to try new things or explore different interests during the break. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT- Consider opportunities for their children to volunteer or get involved in their community during the break.
Page Twelve: VOE: Support the Mountain Humane Society Pet Food Drive at VOE. The 2nd grade EarlyAct Club proudly sponsors a Pet Food Drive for the Mountain Humane Society from March 19th through March 28th. Let's help VOE 2nd graders support local animals in need by donating canned or bagged pet food. Donations can be placed in the collection box in front of the cafeteria. Every contribution makes a difference; let's come together as a community to help our furry friends! Thank You for your support
Page Thirteen: VOE PTA News: Exciting News-VOE PTA takes over the 2024-2025 Yearbook! The VOE PTA is excited to begin working on this year's yearbook for the 2024-2025 school year, and we need your help to make it as memorable as possible. Order forms will be going at the end of the month, so keep an eye out for those. In the meantime, we are gathering photos to include. If you have any candid photos from school events, classroom activities, or moments that capture the spirit of our students, we'd love to see them! To submit your photos for consideration, please visit Thank you for helping us capture and celebrate the incredible moments of this school year. Together, we can create a yearbook that truly reflects the vibrant spirit of our VOE community. Let's make the 2024-2025 yearbook one to remember! Part two: Help us Revamp the VOE staff lounge. Volunteers are needed for Spring Makeover! The VOE PTA is giving the Staff Lounge a much-needed makeover, and we are calling on volunteers with various skills to help. Whether you are experienced in painting, plumbing, carpentry, or decorating, we'd love for you to lend a hand. The work will take place around Spring Break, and there's something for everyone to help with painting the walls and installing shelves and cabinets. If you are handy and able to contribute your time and talents, please contact Ashley Ford ( and/or Cindy Moreno ( for more details. Let's come together to create a refreshed, welcoming space for our amazing staff!
Page Fourteen: MPU: Important Information: Tuesday, March 25th at MPH. Student Body Executive Council meets to support MPH clubs and extracurricular activities. Family services Wellness Lunches and Morning High-Impact tutoring start at 7:45 am. The MPH High Impact Tutoring continues! Though on a slightly reduced schedule, we are excited to continue the MPH High Impact Tutoring Program. Here is the new schedule: Tutoring will be once a week, alternating between Tuesday mornings and Thursday afternoons. Tuesdays will be from 7:45 am to 8:45 am. Thursday afternoon tutoring times are from 4 pm to 5 pm. Tuesday, March 25th, tutoring will be held this week from 7:45 to 8:45 am. No Thursday afternoon session this week! Stay tuned for the updated schedule for MPH after School Break!
Page Fifteen: MPH: Get ready for the First Annual MPH Attendance Bracket Challenge. Starting this week, the three-week challenge is designed to reward students for their dedication to being on campus. This attendance incentive challenge is aimed at rewarding students' enjoyment of campus through healthy competition. This challenge ends March 28th, the Friday before Spring Break. Daily, weekly, and End-of-Tournament shoutouts and rewards will be given to the winners. WAIT! Your class didn't advance after the 1st week of the competition? Don't worry. We have a non-winners bracket for the following weeks. Everyone has a legitimate chance to Win!
Page Sixteen: MHS: Exciting News for our RVA Community. We are thrilled to introduce RBA Leadership 101, a dynamic group counseling program led by the wonderful Mrs. Mills & her dedicated counseling intern, Ms. Julia. This program is all about empowering students by building strong academic, social, & emotional skills through empathetic leadership development. Students will dive into key leadership qualities like influence, effective communication, and essential skills for success in any setting. Let's grow. lead, & inspire together, RVA.
Page Seventeen: RHS: The schedule for week March 24th-28th: Monday 3/24-Regular School Day;. Tuesday 3/25-Tutoring Session from 2:P30 pm to 3:30 pm. Open House. Meet the Board of Trustees from 4 pm to 5 pm, and New Student Orientation at 5 pm, and Open House starts at 5:30 pm.; Wednesday, 3/26: Final-PLC Day: Release at 12:40 pm.; Thursday, 3/27: Tutoring session from 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm. Friday, 3/28: Regular school day. Spring Break starts on 3/31 and ends on 4/4/25. Tuesday, March 25th: Join us for our Annual Open House & Freshman Orientation. This special event is a fantastic opportunity for students & families to explore RHS & experience all the incredible things happening on campus. Incoming freshman can learn about programs and discover the electives that best fit their interests. Meet with the Board of Trustees from 4 pm to 5 pm, New Orientation (located in the Gym) from 5 pm., and Open House begins 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm. We look forward to seeing all our students & families next Tuesday, 3/25th, from 5pm to 7pm.
Page Eighteen: RHS-Open House & New Student Orientation. March 25th, 2025. Spend your evening learning about the exciting classes and Programs at RHS. 4:00 pm-Time With Trustees-Library. ROWUSD Board of Members will be in our library to meet and engage with our families. Stop by, ask questions, and learn about how they support our schools. 5 pm: New Student Orientation-New Gym-New students and families will get an introduction to our school by RHS administration and counselors. 5 pm: AP/Honors Fair-Library-Meet our Honors and AP teachers in the library as you learn about the multitude of AP and Honors offerings available at RHS. 5 pm: Extracurricular Showcase-Learn about our sports and activities that help to make Rim what it s. Meet coaches and students involved in our programs! 5:30 pm: Follow our map to meet our departments. Don't miss our CTE shops and VAPA classes. Students will have a stamp card and completed stamp cards can be turned in for raffle prizes!
Page Nineteen: Bump Up the Band-RIM High Jazz. Join us for an afternoon of music, fun, and community spirit at the Annual Fundraiser for RIM School Bands. On Sunday, April 27th, 2025, at the Lake Arrowhead Resort & Spa from 12:30 pm to 3 pm. Enjoy a credible performance by the RIM of the World High Jazz Band. All proceeds RIM District Bands, helping to keep music education in our schools. All proceeds support RIM District Bands, helping to keep music education in our schools. Announcing 2025 Blue Jay Future Generation Jazz Scholars. Sponsored by Music & Arts, Wheeler Steffen Sotheby's International Realty, Lake Arrowhead Women's Club.
Page Twenty: RVA
Page Twenty-One: RVA
Page Twenty-Two: RHS-ASB. March Madness Attendance Challenge. This month ASB will be hosting a March Madness attendance challenge. Each week, each 2nd-period class will be matched up against another teacher's 2nd-period class. The class with the best overall attendance that week will advance to the next round...This will continue each week in March until we have a Winner. The winning class will earn donuts!! Good Luck, Scots!!
Page Twenty-Three: RHS Sports: March 24th-28th, 2025. No campus Sports this week. Monday 3/31: Varsity Boys Volleyball at Bloomington HS at 5 pm.; Wednesday, April 2nd: JV Baseball vs Arroyo Valley HS at 3:45 pm. and Varsity Baseball at Arroyo Valley HS at 3:45 pm. Home Games will be held in the Baseball Field. Wednesday, April 2nd-Varsity Boys Volleyball at Arroyo Valley HS at 5:15 pm. Frida,y April 4th-JV Baseball at Arroyo Valley HS at 4 pm and Varsity Baseball at Arroyo Valley HS at 4 pm, and Friday 4/4 is the Varsity Boys Volleyball at Eisenhower HS at 4:30 pm. Race 3: March 29th to 30th Mountain Bike Race at Cachuma at Lake Cachuma Campground. For the latest updates, visit the RIM athletics app.
Page: Twenty-Four: Musical Instrument Petting Zoo. Families, join us for a musical adventure on Sunday, April 27th, 2025, at Lake Arrowhead Resort and Spa from 12:30 pm to 3 pm. A hands-on experience for kids of all ages. Let your child touch, blow, pluck, bow, or strike a variety of instruments and explore the magical world of music in a fun and interactive way. This is a fantastic opportunity to spark a love for music in young minds while supporting Rim District Bands. Don't miss out on this family-friendly event.
Page Twenty-Five: RIM HS Mountain Bike Team Races 2025. Race #3: Cachuma at Cachuma Campground on Saturday & Sunday, March 29th and 30th.; Race #4: Victory at Vail at Vail Resort on Sunday, April 27th.; Race #5 Finals at Keysville on Saturday and Sunday on May 10th and 11th, and lastly, the Championship Bike Race at Tehachapi on Saturday & Sunday, May 24th and 25th.